Christmas is the most magical time of the year. It’s not only the Christmas lights, decorations and presents. It’s the love, the family moments, spending time with the people that matter to you the most. The glaze in Penelope’s eyes when she opens the presents, the smell of fresh cooking and baking in our kitchen are the true meaning of Christmas in my humble opinion. This is exactly why the holiday season is the favorite part of the year.
Isn’t great to begin the Christmas day with a delicious breakfast full of the raspberry and lemon flavors. The cream cheese and the eggs give an extra full taste. You can prepare it from the previous evening, put it in the fridge and the following morning wake just an hour earlier from the others, bake it on the oven, sleep a little more (be sure to have a ringing reminder not to burn it up) and wait to enjoy it altogether!
Also, a plus of this recipe is that you can eat it the following day without losing the taste and the aroma. Just warm it up in the microwave. Nom nom!
With this recipe I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, full of joy, love and happiness for you and your loved ones.
Good luck with you Christmas cooking adventures (sure I need it the most with all these that I have planned to bake and cook)

Yield: 6 persons
- 1 French baquette bread
- 1 pack (200gr) cream cheese cut into cubes
- 60gr confectioner sugar
- Zest of one lemon
- 2 cups of raspberries fresh or unfrozen
- 8 eggs
- 200ml cream
- 50ml maples syrup
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- ¼ cup water
- ½ cup sugar
- ¼ lemon juice
- ½ tsp lemon zest
- 1 tsp corn starsh
- 1 tbsp unsalted butter
- Chop the bread in cubes
- Butter an oven glass pan
- Place on the button bread cubes to cover the pan
- On top of the bread cubes, place the fruits and cream cheese
- Continue until you run out seeing that the last layer is fruit and cheese
- In a large bowl whisk the eggs adding the confectioner sugar, the vanilla extract, the maples syrup, the cream and the lemon zest
- Pure the egg mixture to the oven pan and cover all bread cubes by squeezing them into the egg mixture
- Cover the pan with aluminum foil and refrigerate all night long
- The following day, let the pan out of the fridge while preparing the oven at 180o Celsius (air turbine function)
- Bake for about 30 minutes with the aluminum foil on. Continue for another half an hour without the foil.
- For the syrup, mix the corn starch with some water and then put the remaining water with the sugar on a small pot in medium temperature
- Add the lemon juice, the lemon zest and the butter and keep stirring until it thickens and become syrup.
- Rinse the syrup on top of the oven French toast and serve.